
Law Society, 'Practice note: Representation before mental health tribunals' (31/8/22)

2022-08-31 Law Society MHT practice note.pdf

Law Society MHT practice note This practice note contains information under the following headings: (1) Introduction; (2) The right to legal advice and representation before the tribunal; (3) Communication with the client; (4) Taking instructions; (5) Your duties towards your client; (6) Representing children and young people before the tribunal; (7) Good tribunal practice; (8) More information. A tracked changes version is available on MHLO showing the changes since the 12/12/19 version. The main changes and additional information relate to: capacity to make an application; CAMHS; medical records; PHEs in Wales; welfare deputy and withdrawal; updated links. At some point between 29/9/22 and 5/10/22 inclusive the following text was added to the introduction (though the document is still dated 31/8/22): "The Courts and Tribunals Judiciary also provides easy read mental health tribunal information." Superseded by Law Society, 'Practice note: Representation before mental health tribunals' (24/2/24).

External links

  • Practice note PDF. PDF created by Mental Health Law Online. This PDF contains the original text without the additional sentence.
  • Tracked changes PDF. PDF created by Mental Health Law Online showing the differences between the 12/12/19 and 31/8/22 versions. This PDF contains the original text without the additional sentence.