
January 2020 update

This page is automatically generated: it will only be complete at the end of the month. All monthly updates are available here: Archive of monthly updates.


  • Magic Book. The Magic Book is a database of contact details. The main idea is to add the hospitals and other places you visit (not just your own place of work). To create/edit contacts, there is no need to log in and the process is very quick and simple. See Magic Book
  • Mental Health Law Online CPD scheme: 12 points for £60. Obtain 12 CPD points online by answering monthly questionnaires. The scheme is an ideal way to obtain your necessary hours, or to evidence your continued competence. It also helps to support the continued development of this website, and your subscriptions (and re-subscriptions) are appreciated. For full details and to subscribe, see CPD scheme.
  • Cases. By the end of this month, Mental Health Law Online contained 2001 categorised cases


  • Case (Contingent/anticipatory declarations - MCA/inherent jurisdiction - Caesarean section). Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust v R [2020] EWCOP 4 — R had capacity to make decisions as to her ante-natal and obstetric care but there was a risk that she would lose capacity during labour and refuse a Caesarean section. (1) MCA 2005 s16 (Powers to make decisions and appoint deputies: general) applies only to those who currently lack capacity. (2) MCA 2005 s15 (Power to make declarations) is not so limited and so can authorise contingent declarations. (3) Deprivation of liberty cannot be authorised by s15 but the inherent jurisdiction may be utilised to fill that lacuna which would otherwise render the s15 power nugatory.


Social media

Other items

=Has been added to MHLO
=Only appears in this list

Links from social media

  • Court of Protection: QJ v A Local Authority [2020] EWCOP 3M (21 January 2020)
  • Court of Protection: D (A young man), Re [2020] EWCOP 1M (20 January 2020)
  • Court of Protection: Serious Medical Treatment, Guidance [2020] EWCOP 2M (17 January 2020)
  • To be continued.