Ideas for restructuring case pages
Ideas for restructuring
Current hidden categories:
- Category:Judgment missing from Bailii (194) (created automatically for pages which use #bailii to create links)
- Category:Judgment available on Bailii (1932) (as above, created automatically)
- Category:Judgment available on MHLO (291) (created automatically by new database case template if Download file exists)
- Category:Judgment available offline (65)
- Category:Judgment does not exist (164) (created by "no tran" parameter)
- Category:Neutral citation unknown or not applicable (130) (created by "no ncn" parameter)
BAILII link or not:
- NCN - either link or potential link
- "no ncn" (or just blank in new Cases template) - no NCN known - but this sort of case could have one (currently using this e.g for LGO when they'll never have NCNs)
- "no tran" - no transcript - not believed that a transcript/written judgment exists - e.g. old ex tempore judgment, LPA/EPA summaries
Judgment (any written decision) available or not:
- Never any written decision in this type of case - use "no tran" above or replace it?
- Available on MHLO (when Download present in Cases template)
- Available offline (add box to Cases template)
- Available elsewhere (commercial) e.g. Westlaw (add box to Cases template)
- Available elsewhere (free) e.g. LGO website, Scots courts website (add box to Cases template)
- Or add text field to state where available, maybe with link?