
Hill Dickinson, 'Court of Protection' (September 2021)

2021-09 Hill Dickinson COP.pdf

COP newsletter The articles are: (1) Court of Protection Cases from July to September 2021; (2) LPS - Likely, perhaps, soon (ish); (3) Mother successfully appeals against being discharged as a party but is not awarded costs; (4) Compulsory vaccination of care home workers; (5) A timely reminder: making applications to court without delay; (6) Caselaw update: JB, Re C and Re T and how they connect; (7) COVID vaccine, Victoria Gillick and kids; (8) Is a decision of the Court of Protection refusing permission to appeal susceptible to judicial review?



Type: Newsletter🔍

Title: Court of Protection

Organisation: Hill Dickinson🔍

Date: September 2021🔍

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