Hertfordshire County Council (21 006 495) [2022] MHLO 2 (LGSCO)
LPA and contact Ombudsman's summary: "We have not found fault in the way the Council made its decisions regarding safeguarding enquiries, but there was a delay in its completion of the assessments and there was fault in the way the Council communicated with Dr C about the powers of the attorney and the requirement to apply to the Court of Protection. The Council has agreed to apologise and pay a financial remedy."
Full judgment: No Bailii link (neutral citation is unknown or not applicable)
Date: 14/6/22🔍
Court: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman🔍
- Hertfordshire County Council🔍
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Published: 26/8/22 09:07
Cached: 2025-03-07 12:20:58
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