HMPPS, 'MAPPA Guidance' (dated March 2023, updated 13/9/23)

2023-09-13 HMPPS MAPPA Guidance.pdf

MAPPA guidance This guidance still states "Updated March 2023" on its front page, but the document was last updated on 13/9/23. There are minor changes to chapter 24: some paragraph numbering is corrected and a new paragraph is added. Newer version: HMPPS, 'MAPPA Guidance' (August 2024).

New paragraph

24.25 Most TACT/TACT connected individuals will be managed under CT MAPPA but they may be managed under local MAPPA where the primary risk does not relate to terrorism. The Lead Agency will determine whether a TACT/TACT connected induvial is managed under CT MAPPA or local MAPPA.

File versions

The original document on is a Word document. The version here is a PDF created from the Word document. The version on is still (on 23/9/23) the unamended March 2023 version.

External links


Download: Link

Type: Guidance🔍

Title: MAPPA Guidance

Organisation: HM Prison and Probation Service🔍

Date: 13/9/23🔍

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