East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust v GH [2021] EWCOP 18

Compulsory admission for caesarean At an out-of-hours hearing the Court of Protection declared that GH, having gone into labour at home and suffered an obstructed labour, by reason of her acute agoraphobia and anxiety lacked capacity to decide whether to agree to be admitted to hospital for obstetric treatment and a possible emergency caesarean section, and that it was in her best interests to be conveyed from her home to hospital for treatment by ambulance, forcibly if necessary. In the end she gave birth to a healthy baby boy at home before the court decision could be implemented.

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Full judgment: BAILII


  • Medical treatment cases🔍

Date: 5/3/21🔍

Court: Court of Protection🔍



  • East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust🔍
  • GH🔍

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Published: 14/4/21 20:00

Cached: 2025-03-13 21:57:07