DHSC, 'Changes to the law and guidance about making your own decisions (easy read)' (consultation from 17/3/22 to 14/7/22)

(Redirected from DHSC, 'Changes to the law and guidance about making your own decisions (easy read)' (consultation from 17/3/22 to 7/7/22))

MCA Code of Practice and LPS "The government is making changes to the rules about making your own decisions. We are updating the Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice and considering a new system of safeguards - the Liberty Protection Safeguards." Deadline extended from 7/7/22 to 14/7/22.

Extracts from Gov.uk website

Applies to England and Wales


The government is making changes to the rules about making your own decisions. We are updating the Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice and considering a new system of safeguards – the Liberty Protection Safeguards.

This consultation closes at 11:45pm on 7 July 2022

Consultation description

You can read about our plans in the documents below. You can also read other documents we have published that are not in easy read.

We want to know what you think about our plans. Please tell us what you think by answering some questions. Click on the ‘respond online’ button below to tell us what you think.

Documents [hyperlinks not reproduced here]

Changes to the law and guidance about making your own decisions – what do you think? PDF, 2.01 MB, 41 pages

Mental Capacity Act 2005: what the law says about supporting people to make decisions about their lives PDF, 10.7 MB, 28 pages

Liberty Protection Safeguards: what the law says about care or treatment if it takes away people’s rights PDF, 5.71 MB, 24 pages

Mental Capacity Act and Liberty Protection Safeguards: our words explained PDF, 5.13 MB, 20 pages


  • 21 June 2022: The closing date has been extended to 14 July 2022.
  • 17 March 2022: First published.


Download: URL

Type: Consultation🔍

Title: Changes to the law and guidance about making your own decisions (easy read)

Organisation: Department of Health and Social Care🔍

Date: 17/3/22🔍

Date closed: 14/7/22🔍

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