Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
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Type: Trust🔍
Address: Information required
DX: Information required
Telephone: 01935 846561/2/3/4 - MHA ADMINISTRATION EAM
Fax: Information required
Details: Information required
MHA Office:
[Ideally these would be tidier, and each hospital would have its own page.]
Hospital name: Rowan Ward, Address: Summmerlands Hospital Site, Preston Road, YEOVIL BA20 2BX Tel: 01935 410784
Hospital name: Rydon Ward, Address: Wellsprings Hospital Site, Cheddon Road, TAUNTON TA2 7AZ Tel: 01823 333438
Hospital name: Holford Ward, Address: Wellsprings Hospital Site, Cheddon Road, TAUNTON TA2 7AZ Tel: 01823 368211
Hospital name: Pyrland Ward, Address: Wellsprings Hospital Site, Cheddon Road, TAUNTON TA2 7AU Tel: 01823 368225
Hospital name: Wessex House Address: Broadway Health Park, Barclay Street, BRIDGWATER TA6 5LX Tel: 01278 454141
Hospital name: Ash Ward: Address: Broadway Health Park, Barclay Street, BRIDGWATER TA6 5LX Tel: 01278 454130
Hospital name: Willow Ward: Address Broadway Health Park, Barclay Street, BRIDGWATER TA6 5LX Tel: 01278 454131
Yeovil District Hospital, Address: Higher Kingston, YEOVIL BA21 4AT Tel: 01935 475122
Musgrove Park Hospital: Address Parkfield Drive, TAUNTON TA1 5DA tEL: 01823 333444
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All contacts can be viewed on the Magic Book main page.
Responsible Authority: Information required
Please contact me if there are any problems with this page which can't be fixed by simply editing it. Inclusion does not imply recommendation.