

Options for Care

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Type: Independent Mental Health Provider🔍

Address: 70-72 Handsworth Wood Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham B20 2DT

Email: Information required

Telephone: 0121 5235573


Recovery services

MHA Office:

Montague Court
2 Montague Road
Birmingham B16 9HR
0121 4541129

MHA office: ofcmentalhealthactoffice@nhs.net
Finance information: accounts@optionsforcare.net


Dartmouth House (inpatient) - 0121 5235573
Montague Court (inpatient) - 0121 4541129
Orchard House (step down residential) - 0121 3777551

Within 2 miles (see grey map markers):


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Responsible Authority: Birmingham [please add full title if you know it]🔍 · Options for Care Ltd🔍

Please contact me if there are any problems with this page which can't be fixed by simply editing it. Inclusion does not imply recommendation.