

Kneesworth house hospital

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Type: Hospital - private🔍

Address: Kneesworth House Hospital, Kneesworth House, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5JP

DX: Information required

Email: Information required

Telephone: 01763255700 (switchboard)

Fax: Information required


website: www.Partnershipsincare.co.uk.
Nearest station is Royston and then a taxi journey.
Free parking at the hospital.
Photo identification required and lockers are not very large.

MHA Office:

Ann Boot, Medical Records Officer/Mental Health Act Administrator
Telephone 01763255702
Secure email ann.boot@nhs.net


Wortham Ward: 01763 255 706


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Responsible Authority: Partnerships in Care Ltd🔍

Please contact me if there are any problems with this page which can't be fixed by simply editing it. Inclusion does not imply recommendation.