Humber Centre for Forensic Psychiatry
Obtain Google Maps directions to the saved coordinates.
Type: Hospital - NHS🔍
Address: Beverley Road, Willerby, East Yorks, HU10 6ED
Email: Information required
Telephone: 01482 336 200 (switchboard)
Website: Information required
To get to the main building, exit the roundabout which is signposted "Business Park" and "Total Fitness".
To get to Greentrees or South West Lodge, go past that exit and turn left at the next junction (signposted "Crematorium / Green Trees Lodge") then left again.
Humber NHSFT
NHS Choices
MHA Office: (secure email)
Ouse - staff 01482 336 238, patients 01482 655 646
Greentrees - staff 01482 336 300
Derwent - staff 01482 336 239, patients 01482 655 719
Swale - staff 01482 478 722, patients 01482 478 740
Ullswater - staff 01482 478718
(no need to log in!)
All contacts can be viewed on the Magic Book main page.
Responsible Authority: Humber NHS Foundation Trust🔍
Please contact me if there are any problems with this page which can't be fixed by simply editing it. Inclusion does not imply recommendation.