

Hillview Lodge

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Type: Hospital - NHS🔍

Address: Hillview Lodge, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath, Avon, BA1 3NG

DX: Information required

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Telephone: 01225 362735

Fax: Information required


Acute adult inpatient ward for individuals with mental health needs, either detained under the Mental Health Act or informal (voluntary) admissions. Run by Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Mental Health NHS Trust.

MHA Office:

Tribunal Admin: awp.MHAtribunals@nhs.net.cjsm.net
Group Email: awp.MHATribunals@nhs.net
Group Email: awpMHAManagerreviews@nhs.net
T: 0117 472 8867


Sycamore Ward - Acute adult inpatient ward.
Ward phone number - 01225 362735

Ward Manager - Sarah Williams
01225 362862

Modern Matron - Rebecca Hartnell:
01225 362715


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Responsible Authority: Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust🔍

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