Dane Garth Unit
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Type: Hospital - NHS🔍
Address: Dane Garth, Furness General Hospital, Dalton Lane, Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria, LA14 4LF
Email: HUB@lscft.nhs.uk
Telephone: Information required
Website: Information required
Dova has 20 ensuite beds and is a mixed sex needs-led acute ward for adults, which is a place of safety under s.136 of the Mental Health Act.
Ramsey Unit is an assessment unit for patients with an organic illness, such as Dementia.
MHA Office:
MHL.SouthCumbria@lscft.nhs.uk, 01229 404352
Dova Ward - 01229 404353 / 01229 404355
Ramsey Unit - 01229 484000
(no need to log in!)
All contacts can be viewed on the Magic Book main page.
Responsible Authority: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust🔍
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