
Berrywood Hospital

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Type: Hospital - NHS🔍

Address: Berrywood Drive, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN5 6UD

Email: Information required

Telephone: Main switchboard: 03000 271 717

Website: Information required


MHA Office:


Bay Ward
Office telephone: 03000 271 764
Patients' pay phone: 01604 583805

Brookview Unit
Office telephone: 03000 271 660

Cove Ward
Office telephone: 03000 271 757
Patients' pay phone: 01604 752082

Harbour Ward
Office telephone: 03000 271755
Patients's pay phone: 01604 758685

Marina Ward
Office telephone: 03000 271 772
Patients' pay phone: 01604 754075

Meadowbank Unit
Office telephone: 03000 271 779

Riverside Unit
Office telephone: 03000 271 654

Watermill Resource Centre
Reception: 03000 271 671

Wheatfield Unit
Office telephone: 03000 271 788


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Responsible Authority: Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust🔍

Please contact me if there are any problems with this page which can't be fixed by simply editing it. Inclusion does not imply recommendation.