
Category:Re-sectioning after hearing

The old category structure used on this page is comprehensive as it contains every relevant case. The new database structure was introduced in 2019. It is more potentially useful than the old categorisation system: it includes all cases since January 2017, but only a minority of older cases: see Special:Drilldown/Cases. The pages below are initially ordered according to the dates on which they were added to the site (most recent first). The order can be changed by clicking on the symbol beside a column heading: click on the symbol beside "Page and summary" for alphabetical order; click beside "Categories" for the order in which the cases were reported. Click on the arrow symbol again to reverse the order. Click on a page name to view the relevant page. Asterisks mark those cases which have been added to the new database structure.

Case and summary Date added Categories
* Trust's JR of hospital managers' discharge decision South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHSFT v Hospital Managers of St George's Hospital [2016] EWHC 1196 (Admin) — "This is an application for judicial review of a decision by an independent panel on 12 April 2016 to discharge the Interested Party, AU, from detention under the Mental Health Act 1983. It is brought by South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Dr Whitworth (previously AU's responsible clinician). ... To put the case in general terms the claimants are concerned about the Panel's decision to discharge AU in the light of the views of the clinical team and also a decision of the First Tier Tribunal ... which decided on 10 March 2016 not to discharge him from detention. ... The judicial review raises an important point of principle as to the capacity of a body to seek judicial review of a decision which it could have made itself. In broad terms the Trust appointed the Panel and under the 1983 Act it exercised delegated powers. Because AU raised this point in his grounds, Warby J joined Dr Whitworth as a second claimant to the action on 4 May 2016 on the basis that, if the Trust could not seek judicial review, she could. If the Trust and Dr Whitworth can seek judicial review, the grounds they advance against the Panel's decision are, first, that it failed to treat the Tribunal's decision as a relevant consideration and, secondly, that the Panel's decision is irrational in light of the evidence available and the reasons it has given." 2016‑05‑22 22:45:03 2016 cases, Cases, Hospital managers hearings, ICLR summary, Judgment available on Bailii, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, Re-sectioning after hearing, 2016 cases, Judgment available on Bailii

R (Von Brandenburg) v Tower Hamlets Health Care NHS Trust [2000] EWHC Admin 362 — Resectioning after Tribunal hearing. 2009‑04‑12 00:01:16 2000 cases, Judgment available on Bailii, No summary, Re-sectioning after hearing, Transcript

McGee, Re Judicial Review [2007] NICA 38The detention of the claimant under Article 7 of the Mental Health (NI) Order 1986 (similar to s5(2) MHA 1983) following a MHRT decision to discharge was lawful: (1) the authorities had formed the bona fide opinion that his mental state had since deteriorated; (2) Article 7 applied since the claimant had not divested himself of his in-patient status. 2008‑02‑23 00:56:58 2007 cases, Brief summary, Judgment available on Bailii, Northern Irish cases, Re-sectioning after hearing, Transcript

R (Wey) v Pathfinder NHS Trust [1999] EWHC Admin 672When the Tribunal has decided on classification, the RMO cannot subsequently reclassify unless there is some change in circumstance of a significant kind which would enable a tribunal to take a different view if the matter were referred to them again. The remedy to the doctor and to the Trust would instead be to apply for judicial review of the decision of the Tribunal 2007‑02‑06 18:36:17 1999 cases, Brief summary, Judgment available offline, Judgment missing from Bailii, MHLR summary, Other classification cases, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, Re-sectioning after hearing, Transcript

R (H) v Ashworth Hospital Authority [2002] EWCA Civ 923Appeal on MHRT decision dismissed; appeal on re-sectioning allowed. In a case where the availability of suitable after-care services is a pre-requisite for the discharge criteria to be met, but the Tribunal is in any doubt as to its availability, the Tribunal should adjourn rather than defer discharge to a future date. 2007‑02‑06 18:23:22 2002 cases, Brief summary, Judgment available on Bailii, Re-sectioning after hearing, Transcript

R (von Brandenburg) v East London and City MH NHS Trust [2001] EWCA Civ 239 — Resectioning after hearing. 2006‑04‑16 12:01:07 2001 cases, Judgment available on Bailii, No summary, Re-sectioning after hearing, Transcript

R (von Brandenburg) v East London and City MH NHS Trust [2003] UKHL 58An ASW may not lawfully apply for the admission of a patient whose discharge has been ordered by the decision of a mental health review tribunal of which the ASW is aware unless the ASW has formed the reasonable and bona fide opinion that he has information not known to the tribunal which puts a significantly different complexion on the case as compared with that which was before the tribunal. 2006‑04‑16 11:27:28 2003 cases, Brief summary, Judgment available on Bailii, Re-sectioning after hearing, Transcript