
Category:1991 cases

The old category structure used on this page is comprehensive as it contains every relevant case. The new database structure was introduced in 2019. It is more potentially useful than the old categorisation system: it includes all cases since January 2017, but only a minority of older cases: see Special:Drilldown/Cases. The pages below are initially ordered according to the dates on which they were added to the site (most recent first). The order can be changed by clicking on the symbol beside a column heading: click on the symbol beside "Page and summary" for alphabetical order; click beside "Categories" for the order in which the cases were reported. Click on the arrow symbol again to reverse the order. Click on a page name to view the relevant page. Asterisks mark those cases which have been added to the new database structure.

Case and summary Date added Categories
* Publication of information about proceedings - contempt of court Pickering v Liverpool Daily Post [1991] 2 AC 370 — The patient sought to prevent publication of press articles about his application to the tribunal for discharge. 2020‑10‑26 22:02:03 1991 cases, Cases, Judgment available offline, MHT public hearing cases, Neutral citation unknown or not applicable, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, 1991 cases

Article titles

This category contains only the following page.