Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v RD [2022] EWCOP 47

Death It was in RD's best interests not to be restrained, physically or through medication, and for palliative care to be provided if she were to remove her tracheostomy tube or indicate that she wanted it to be removed.

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This case's neutral citation number appears in the following newsletters:


Full judgment: BAILII


  • Medical treatment cases🔍

Date: 17/10/22🔍

Court: Court of Protection🔍



  • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust🔍
  • Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust🔍
  • RD🔍
  • Mrs RD🔍
  • Mr RD🔍

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Published: 31/10/22 12:29

Cached: 2024-07-18 15:25:55