CQC, 'Monitoring the Mental Health Act in 2021/22' (1/12/22)
Annual CQC report on MHA Key messages: (1) "Workforce issues and staff shortages mean that people are not getting the level or quality of care they have a right to expect, and the safety of patients and staff is being put at risk"; (2) "Gaps in community mental health care are compounding the rising demand on inpatient services, with delays in admission, transfer and discharge"; (3) "Urgent action is needed to tackle the over-representation of people from some ethnic minority groups and, in particular, the over-representation of Black people on community treatment orders"; (4) "The quality of ward environments is an ongoing concern, with many inpatient environments in need of immediate update and repair"; (5) "Despite the challenges facing services, we have seen examples of good practice around advance planning and applying the principle of least restriction".
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Type: Report🔍
Title: Monitoring the Mental Health Act in 2021/22
Organisation: Care Quality Commission🔍
Date: 1/12/22🔍
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