39 Essex Street, 'Court of Protection update' (issue 34, June 2013)
Mental capacity law newsletter The cases mentioned in this issue are: Re SB (A Patient: Capacity To Consent To Termination) [2013] EWHC 1417 (COP), [2013] MHLO 48 — RC v CC [2013] EWHC 1424 (COP), [2013] MHLO 68 — Pitt v Holt [2013] UKSC 26, [2013] MHLO 46 — Coles v Perfect (unreported, 13.5.13) — Coombs v North Dorset NHS PCT [2013] EWCA Civ 471, [2013] MHLO 35 — R (T) v LSC [2013] EWHC 960 (Admin), [2013] MHLO 41. There is also information under the following headings: (a) Response to consultation upon power of entry; (b) Review of COP3; (c) House of Lords Select Committee on the Mental Capacity Act 2005; (d) MIND call for evidence.