39 Essex Street, 'Court of Protection update' (issue 18, February 2012)
Mental capacity law newsletter The cases mentioned in this issue are: Re H; A Local Authority v H [2012] EWHC 49 (COP), [2012] MHLO 3, Re M [2011] EWHC 3590 (COP), Re JDS; Kevin Smyth v JDS (2012) COP 19334473 19/1/12, [2012] MHLO 4, Stanev v Bulgaria 36760/06 [2012] ECHR 46, [2012] MHLO 1, DM v Doncaster MBC [2011] EWHC 3652 (Admin), Re AH (Costs); AH v Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust [2011] EWHC 3524 (COP), SBC v PBA and Others [2011] EWHC 2580 (Fam). Also included is news that the Official Solicitor is currently unable to accept invitations to act except in (a) serious medical treatment cases, and (b) s21A appeals which are not brought by the relevant person's representative.