
39 Essex Chambers Mental Capacity Law Newsletter archive

More recent newsletters are available at 39 Essex Chambers Mental Capacity Law Newsletter.

This page only shows the additional documents circulated with the relevant month's newsletter (if any)

August 2010 This is officially "issue 1".
April 2012 all previous newsletters in one PDF document.
May 2012 Simon Edwards, 'Capacity and tenancies/licences' (39 Essex Street, 19/4/12).
July 2012 Simon Edwards, 'Options for a local authority for the management of P’s finances' (39 Essex Street COP Note, June 2012).
August 2012 Simon Edwards, 'The Court of Protection and Personal Injury Claims' (39 Essex Street COP Note, 1/8/12).
September 2012 Neil Allen, 'Court of Protection Note: Restricting or depriving liberty?' (September 2012)
January 2013 Alex Ruck Keene, 'Advance Decisions: getting it right?' (December 2012)
February 2013 39 Essex Street, 'Consolidated version of newsletters from 2010 to January 2013 inclusive' (February 2013)
March 2013 Official Solicitor, 'Note on accepting instructions in health and welfare proceedings' (25/2/13).
May 2013 Ben Troke, 'View from the Coalface' (May 2013). Notes from East Midlands MCA/DOLS Forum meetings
June 2013 Alex Ruck Keene, 'Statutory Wills Update' (May 2013)
July 2013 Alex Ruck Keene et al, 'Severed Lasting Powers of Attorney' (July 2013)
August 2013 Alastair Pitblado, 'The decision of the Court of Appeal in (1) PC and (2) NC v City of York [2013] EWCA Civ 478' (August 2013)
December 2013 39 Essex Street, 'Update on oral evidence given to House of Lords Select Committee on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 October-November 2013' (December 2013)
January 2014 Adrian Ward and Jill Stavert, 'Deprivation of liberty and adults with incapacity: a Scottish perspective' (January 2014)
February 2014
March 2014 Ian Hunt, 'Adding a Bayes Leaf to the Law' (1/3/14).† Commentary on Mostyn J's approach to assessing and combining probabilities in Re D (a Child): A Local Authority v B and C [2014] EWHC 121 (Fam)B.
April 2014
June 2014
January 2015 No newsletter this month.
June 2015 The following is an automatically-generated list of MHLO case pages which contain extracts from the newsletter:
January 2016 No newsletter this month.