39 Essex Chambers, 'Mental Capacity Report' (issue 135B, November 2023)

(Redirected from 39 Essex Chambers, 'Mental Capacity Report' (issue 136, November 2023))
Essex newsletter 135B.pdf

Mental capacity law newsletter "Highlights this month include: (1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Report: reasonably adjusting to disability in the context of dialysis and identifying will and preferences across a spectrum of difficult medical cases; (2) In the Property and Affairs Report: the Law Commission’s further consultation on wills; (3) In the Practice and Procedure Report: two sets of ‘Ps’ and the costs of welfare appeals; (4) In the Wider Context Report: the CQC’s State of Care report, deprivation of liberty and those under 18, litigation capacity and access to court, and the inherent jurisdiction in Ireland; (5) In the Scotland Report: bureaucracy vs justice and a tribute to Adrian upon his retirement from one of his posts."


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Type: Newsletter🔍

Title: Mental Capacity Report

Author: Ruck Keene, Alex🔍 · Butler-Cole, Victoria🔍 · Allen, Neil🔍 · Kohn, Nicola🔍 · Scott, Katie🔍 · Kelly, Arianna🔍 · Weinberg, Nyasha🔍 · Edwards, Simon🔍 · Ward, Adrian🔍 · Stavert, Jill🔍

Organisation: 39 Essex Chambers🔍

Date: November 2023🔍

Issue: 135B

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