39 Essex Chambers, 'Mental Capacity Law Newsletter' (issue 62, February 2016)

Essex newsletter 62.pdf

Mental capacity law newsletter "Highlights this month include: (1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Newsletter: Article 5, best interests and the COP; 16 and 17 year olds and deprivation of liberty; and the views of the Official Solicitor on ‘using and weighing’; (2) In the Property and Affairs Newsletter: EPAs and gratuitous care; the CICA and the COP; and the perils of putting oneself forward as panel deputy; (3) In the Practice and Procedure Newsletter: the transparency pilot and how to survive it; (4) In the Capacity outside the COP Newsletter: the National Mental Capacity Action day and how to take part; capacity and organ donation; and legislative developments both sides of the border in Ireland; (5) In the Scotland Newsletter: Scottish Government consults on a review of the AWI; two important MWC reports and an obituary of Ian McMurray."


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Type: Newsletter🔍

Title: Mental Capacity Law Newsletter

Author: Ruck Keene, Alex🔍 · Butler-Cole, Victoria🔍 · Allen, Neil🔍 · Lee, Annabel🔍 · Bicarregui, Anna🔍 · Edwards, Simon🔍 · Ward, Adrian🔍 · Stavert, Jill🔍 · Taylor, Beverley🔍

Organisation: 39 Essex Chambers🔍

Date: February 2016🔍

Issue: 62

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