Re PH; PH v A Local Authority [2011] EWHC 1704 (COP)

The following declarations were made: (1) PH lacks capacity in relation to the question on whether or not he should be accommodated at Y Court for the purposes of being given care and treatment; and (2) PH lacks capacity to make a decision as to his residence and care (the second declaration to remain in force for six months).


Hearing: 9/6/11 - 10/6/11

Judgment: 30/6/11

Before: Baker J

Fenella Morris (instructed by CVC Solicitors, on behalf of the Official Solicitor) for the Applicant (PH)

Laura Davidson (instructed by the local authority’s in-house legal team) for the First Respondent (A Local Authority)

Katharine Scott (instructed by Radcliffes LeBrasseur) for the Second Respondent (Z Limited)

Amy Street (instructed by Conroys) for the Third Respondent (R)


PH v (1) A Local Authority (2) Z Limited (3) R

Case No: 11946155

[2011] EWHC 1704 (COP)B, [2011] EWHC 1704 (Fam)B

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